在许多自动化系统中除了基本的电力参数监测外对电能计量也提出了要求。理解能耗剖析、能源节约计划、精确的能量平衡、设备监控和预测维护等都需要自动能源分支计量。能源分支计量数据可以通过控制能源消耗和最大需求来大幅降低成本。SATEC器件适用于所有能源分支计量的要求,跨越从基本的到最先进的。 SATEC的eXpertpower™ Billing服务完成分支计量软件包。我们的在线结算服务提供了一个支持多种计费要求的基础平台:普通费率,分时计费,需量电费及各种额外费用。此外,eXpertpower™ Billing提供免费的计算中央空调的费用,用水计量和用气测量。因此,提供了所有的公用事业帐单要求的一站式服务。

SATEC's solution for billing and revenue metering includes various energy meters, multiple communication platforms and comprehensive management software. The solution is optimized for sub-tenant billing, checking utility bills and demand forecasting for optimizing costs.


Sub-tenant billing is common in various facilities such as apartments, student dormitories, shopping centers and data centers. SATEC's ExpertPower solution controls the whole system, and offers Time Of Use (TOU) energy metering as well as complete Invoicing management. In addition, it supports billing of any type of energy, such as Electricity, Water, Gas, Air conditioning and Steam, via SATEC Power Meters or 3rd party devices. All SATEC Power Meters allow connection to digital pulse inputs from other energy meters.


Detection of utility over charges is done by installing a SATEC check meter in parallel to the utility meter, generating a draft bill, and comparing the results. The high accuracy of the meters, typically several times more accurate than the utility’s, as well as the comprehensive calculation options in ExpertPower, guarantees correct measurement and makes it easy for claims referred to the utility.


Demand forecast enables proper plans of generation as well as optimizing the consumption, particularly in today’s markets of fluctuating energy costs and various generation methods.